General, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to change the default settings for the Code/Text Editor. Default settings also affect other editors based upon the Code/Text Editor, such as the HTML Designer's Source view. You can access the Options dialog box from the Tools menu.

Note   Options that apply to specific technologies can be selected within corresponding folders. For example, you can select options that apply specifically to the HTML Designer by opening the HTML folder and selecting options within its General and Tabs nodes.


Go to anchor after escape

When selected, pressing ESC moves the insertion point to the initial selection point of text selected in the editor. For example, if you select a paragraph of text starting with the last word in the paragraph and press ESC, the insertion point moves to the end of the last word in the paragraph and the text is no longer selected.

Drag and drop text editing

When selected, enables you to move text by selecting it and dragging it with the mouse to another location within the document.

Include insertion point movements in Undo list

When selected, commands that only move the insertion point are placed on the Undo list. As a result, you can instantly move to these locations or edit locations by viewing and clicking entries in the undo list.

Automatic Delimiter Highlighting

When selected, delimiter characters between instructions are highlighted.


Selection Margin

When selected, a vertical margin displays along the left edge of the Editor's text area. When you click in the margin, you select an entire line of text. When you click and drag, you select consecutive lines of text.

Selection Margin on Selection Margin off

Indicator Margin

When selected, displays a margin outside the left edge of the Editor's text area. When you click in the margin, an icon and ToolTip that are related to the text appear. For example, breakpoint or task list shortcuts appear in the indicator martin. Indicator Margin information does not print.

Vertical Scrollbar

When selected, displays a vertical scrollbar which allows you to scroll up and down to view elements that fall outside the viewing area of the Editor. If vertical scrollbars are not available, you can use the Page Up, Page Down and cursor keys to scroll.

Horizontal Scrollbar

When selected, displays a horizontal scrollbar which allows you to scroll from side-to-side to view elements that fall outside the viewing area of the Editor. If horizontal scrollbars are not available, you can use the cursor keys to scroll.